A stroll in the the land of 8 bits
This a well made 8bit uplifting, its just repetitive
Also, isn't there an 8 bit genre?
A stroll in the the land of 8 bits
This a well made 8bit uplifting, its just repetitive
Also, isn't there an 8 bit genre?
This is one of the 3/4 WIPs that you could recognize the full from WIP... Kind of.
Well the rework paid off, right?
Hopefully the rework paid off, I certainly think so!
You found your speciality, these calm, sometimes dreamy and things that film makers may look for to be used in a film.
You are a rising star... I don't you would be allowed to compete in NGUAC are you shortly won't be one.
R!P other contestants... Was too hard on them.
Well, one of my friends will knock himself out with this (he likes heavy metal)
Whilst good and would like to see it finished
1. Slow Year
2. Only 3 of your list campers(the WIPs at the bottom) actually got finished.
It'll probably just fall under the belt and be forgotten.
(so please finish this one, and if there is any list campers I would like to see finished... Its Initation)
So you made complete calm tracks before Bastion :0
Since this is an old track, I'll some things that you may of learnt off it
- Tracks that use the same melody all the way through only really works with progressive, but they can still get boring.
- Feels a bit short (just me?)
- Not to just pianos (we need variation)
- Brass backgrounds seem to... make it seem like a romantic piece
- To soothe, slowness
It does better than what I do... As far as people are concerned, I write reviews and post stuff every now and again on scratch(which practically nobody sees anyway)
*Thumbs up*
I've liked this track as long as I've known it, and it makes sense why it made you popular. Anyway
-This track has an electric tone not used anywhere else (as far as I'm concerned) and some of the sounds inside it)
-The length is longer than some other artists.
-It seems like you used the structure from Intrinsic (buildup, randomness in drop and middle interval) however twisted parts of it
-Unexpected drop!
-"Fake" drop
And funly enough, is your most popular khx track (you must of been very surprised when you saw it in "Best Audio this month" and later "Best audio this year").
It was also your last. I don't know why you decided to change at this point.
(by the way don't be surprised... I left the last review in Initation.. If nobodys fooled me there)
This track is really good, and feels like your in an endless desert during most of it.
The only problems I have are the drops and the fact I can't download it.
Maybe remake it on your CS account
literally nothing what are you doing here
Wait and see
*burps* what?
Joined on 3/27/17